
How To Keep Soft Pastels From Smudging

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Oil pastels are beautifully vibrant and super fun to work with, but they smudge easily and don't actually ever fully dry. Thankfully, there are a handful of ways to treat your oil pastel art so that it's less likely to smudge. We'll walk you through the various options and give you the step-by-step process for applying fixatives.

  1. 1

    Use a "workable" fixative if you want to add more color to your piece. A workable fixative is a kind of spray that partially sets the oil pastel but doesn't stop you from adding more color on top of what's already there. It's a smart way to treat a piece that you want to keep working on while minimizing the chance of smudging.[1]

    • Check the label before using a fixative to see if it works for in-progress pieces or just as a final coating.
    • Take time to let this spray dry completely before making changes to your art. Otherwise, it'll definitely smudge.
  2. 2

    Apply a "final" fixative once your piece is completely finished. The bottle states whether it's "workable" or "final," so take time to check before making a purchase. Use this kind of spray to protect your art from smudging and keep pesky dust and dirt away![2]

    • Depending on the kind of finish you're going for, choose a matte, semi-glossy, or high-gloss spray.
    • Find these sprays at your local art store or online.
    • Double-check that the product you're buying is for oil pastels and not some other medium. It should say "oil pastel" or "pastel" somewhere in the product description.


  3. 3

    Choose a glossy finish if you want to make colors more vibrant. A glossy finish makes colors look beautifully bright and adds a lovely shine to the piece. Sometimes, colors might look even brighter than they did when they first went onto the canvas or paper.[3]

    • Check the front of the bottle to make sure the finish is glossy. You don't want a matte surprise if you're looking for gloss!
  4. 4

    Select a matte finish for a muted look. A matte finish looks incredibly smooth and doesn't reflect light. It's a nice selection if you want the colors and other aspects of your piece to stand on their own.[4]

    • Matte is perfect if you want to avoid any potential changes to your piece's coloring and shading.


  1. 1

    Choose aerosol hairspray as a less-expensive way to protect your art. Once the hairspray is on, you won't be able to make changes to your piece. Some artists don't like the way hairspray dries (it can make certain shades look lighter or darker than they should), but studies show that hairspray is a perfectly fine alternative to keep your oil pastels from smudging.[5]

    • Look for a product that has acrylate in the ingredients list.
    • Avoid hairsprays that include conditioners (steer clear of ingredients like dimethicone, silicone, oil, glycol, and vitamins A and E).
    • Test the hairspray on a small section of your art to see how it changes colors, shadowing, and shading.
  2. 2

    Mat and frame your art behind glass so nothing touches its surface. Matting is when you frame a piece of art with a thin piece of paper—it adds decoration and dimension, and it keeps the art from rubbing up against the frame. If nothing can rub against your work, then there's no way it can get smudged! You probably won't want to frame every piece you make, but it's a really smart option for special pieces.[6]

    • Use glass instead of plastic or plexiglass. Plastic and plexiglass attract dust, which you definitely don't want coming near your art.
  3. 3

    Cover pieces in wax paper to protect them while they're in storage. This is also a great method if you're shipping a piece to someone! In addition to wax paper, you could also use deli paper or glassine. Use a piece of tape to attach the paper to the back of your piece, and then wrap it around to fully cover the front.[7]

    • This is a quick way to cover art until you decide what you want to do with it. You might not be sure if it's finished yet, or you might need to clear up some space for a different project.
  4. 4

    Laminate your piece to protect it behind a plastic coating. This works best with thinner pieces of paper and won't work on canvasses. If a piece is too thick, it might get stuck, or the pressure could ruin the detailing. Sometimes, heat and chemicals can also negatively change your art. If you want to try this method, test it out on a smaller scrap of paper first.[8]

    • Using a cold laminator rather than a hot one sometimes works better because there's no heat to change the oil pastels.


  1. 1

    Apply the fixative in a well-ventilated area or, ideally, outdoors. Fixatives are notoriously stinky, and they can be harmful to breathe in. If you're indoors, turn on a fan and open some windows to get as much fresh air blowing through as possible.[9]

    • If you can't get outside or if you just hate the smell, wear a face mask while you work.
  2. 2

    Read the instructions on the fixative before spraying. Most products follow a general process of spraying, drying, and applying multiple coats, but there might be specific instructions or warnings that you need to know. Take a minute to read through the info so you know you're using it right.[10]

    • You can usually find additional info and tips on the brand's webpage.
  3. 3

    Set the piece up on an easel or at an angle against a wall. Avoid spraying it while it's lying flat on the ground or a table. Drips could mess up the finish of your piece.[11]

    • If you're outside and it's windy, set the piece inside a large box, leaning against the side. This should keep the fixative from blowing back on you.
  4. 4

    Test the fixative on a small corner of the painting first. If there's an issue or you don't like how the fixative changes the shading, you want to know before treating the entire thing! Sometimes, certain kinds of paper or brands of paints react differently to fixatives.[12]

    • Let the test section dry completely so you can check the final result before moving on.
  5. 5

    Apply the fixative by spraying it back and forth over the piece. Hold the bottle 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) away from the surface, and keep it moving. Work from the top down to the bottom.[13]

    • Keep in mind that you're not trying to drench your art in fixative. Instead, you're applying light, thin layers to create an even coating over the entire piece.
  6. 6

    Let the coat dry completely before applying another one. Double-check the instructions to see how long it takes the product to dry. Some dry fast (within a few minutes), while others take longer (several hours).[14]

    • If you want, set a fan in front of the piece to help it dry faster.
  7. 7

    Repeat the application and drying process until the surface is smooth. After each coat dries, gently run your fingers over the piece. Once it's smooth to the touch and you can't feel the oil pastel's texture or a difference between oil pastel and fixative, you're finished.[15]

    • If you're applying a "workable" fixative, check the product for recommendations about how many coats you need to use.
    • Most pieces need 2-3 layers of fixative.


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  • Keep oil pastels from smudging while you work by holding the pastel like you would a knife or a key, rather than like how you hold a pencil. This technique keeps your hand out of the way and off the paper.[16]

  • Apply black oil pastel last because it's the most obvious when it gets smudged.[17]

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  • Keep your fixative away from high heat and open flames of any kind. It's very flammable![18]

  • Some fixatives make colors look darker than they did when you applied them. Always test the product first to make sure you're okay with any changes.[19]


Things You'll Need

  • Fixative
  • Face mask
  • Fan (optional)
  • Easel (optional)

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How To Keep Soft Pastels From Smudging


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